Reaching Members Conference
Join Tom Glatt and his fellow presenters at Credit Union Conferences 2024 Reaching Members conference. The conference will be held November 7 - 10, 2024 at the Scottsdale Plaza Resort, Scottsdale, Arizona.
Join fellow credit union directors, board chairs, CEOs, supervisory committee members, IT managers, business development and marketing managers and other credit union professionals from across the country for a comprehensive educational conference on proven ways to reach your members in today's ever-changing world. Visit the official conference site for complete conference details and registration.
GC Session Details
Glatt Consulting's Tom Glatt will deliver two sessions at the conference. Each session is further described below.
Membership Growth: Setting Relevant Goals
Nearly every credit union sets targets for member expansion, yet these objectives often represent mere conjecture rather than grounded, actionable insights. This session, led by seasoned credit union advisor Tom Glatt, will provide a roadmap for establishing membership growth goals that are both ambitious and contextualized, anchored by credible, region-specific market intelligence. Tom will also introduce participants to an indispensable tool from the Census Bureau, promising to enhance both board and management comprehension of the distinct qualities characterizing their credit union's market.
Member Communication: Developing Comprehensive Strategy
The commonly held view of an effective member communication strategy is simplistic, often boiled down to the idea of "delivering the appropriate message to the right audience via the optimal channel at the most opportune time." In reality, member communication is far more intricate and involves a nuanced blend of a robust business model and advanced communication skills. In this upcoming session, credit union advisor Tom Glatt will spell out the strategic choices that must be collaboratively decided upon by boards and management teams. These decisions are critical as they lay the foundation for implementing a communication strategy that not only achieves excellence but also drives significant results.